Next Gen
Next Gen Leaders Program
Participant Survey
Indicates required field
We need your name to know which mentors you had and if you decide to provide a testimonial at the end. For instances that you rate or provide feedback to your mentor, we will not attribute the rating/comment to you. We will aggregate and summarize the data when we provide the feedback to your mentor.
1. Please rate your overall experience.
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
2. Please rate your experience working on your Gen AI project.
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
3. Please rate your experience presenting your Gen AI project to senior leaders at your client company.
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
4. Please rate your experience meeting with your mentor.
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
5. Please rate your experience participating in the talk stories.
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
6. Please rate your experience participating in the leadership development and team building sessions.
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
7. On average, how many hours per week did you spend performing work in the program?
8. Did the Next Gen Leaders Program meet your expectations, specifically relating to:
a) . . . the amount of time that you spent working on your Gen AI project
Much more than I expected
Slightly more than I expected
Exactly as I expected
Slightly less than I expected
Much less than I expected
b) . . . the difficulty level of your Gen AI project
Much more than I expected
Slightly more than I expected
Exactly as I expected
Slightly less than I expected
Much less than I expected
c) . . . the amount of time that you spent with your mentor
Much more than I expected
Slightly more than I expected
Exactly as I expected
Slightly less than I expected
Much less than I expected
d) . . . making new connections with peers
Much more than I expected
Slightly more than I expected
Exactly as I expected
Slightly less than I expected
Much less than I expected
e) . . . making new connections with professionals and business leaders
Much more than I expected
Slightly more than I expected
Exactly as I expected
Slightly less than I expected
Much less than I expected
f) . . . becoming aware of community issues
Much more than I expected
Slightly more than I expected
Exactly as I expected
Slightly less than I expected
Much less than I expected
g) . . . developing as a leader
Much more than I expected
Slightly more than I expected
Exactly as I expected
Slightly less than I expected
Much less than I expected
h) . . . preparing for your future job search
Much more than I expected
Slightly more than I expected
Exactly as I expected
Slightly less than I expected
Much less than I expected
11. Did you feel adequately supported by the leadership team?
12. Please provide feedback about your mentor. (We won't share this with your mentor.)
13. What did you like about the program?
14. What aspects of the program can be improved?
15. Would you be willing to provide us a testimonial for next year’s program? If yes, please provide below.
16. If your address will change in mid- to late-August, please enter your new address here.
We had wonderful and generous sponsors this year. If you would like to write one general note or specific thank you notes, please feel free to do so here. We will aggregate the thank you notes (with your names) and send them to the sponsors.
The Queen's Health Systems, which funded the program scholarships
Accuity LLP, which funded the individual merit scholarships
American Savings Bank, which funded administrative costs
Hawaii Employers Council, which allowed us to use their space for the kick off event and provided Predictive Index reports free of charge
Oahu Economic Development Board, which covered the cost for Next Gen participants at the Scholarship Luncheon & Celebration
17. General thank you note for all donors
18. Additional thank you note for the The Queen's Health Systems (for your scholarship)
19. Thank you note for your mentor
20. Thank you note for your project advisor and client company
Next Gen